Review: Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb
The girls and I review Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb, a beautiful picture book with a lovely story. (Includes video reading as well as review.)
The girls and I review Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb, a beautiful picture book with a lovely story. (Includes video reading as well as review.)
Reviews of two lovely picture books from Maverick Books – Sparkle’s Song and The Fearsome Beastie.
There are some books that, while I bury myself in them, I feel somewhat wrong or sordid in doing so. (No, it’s not porn, sorry!) Thirty years ago that was Mills & Boon, twenty years ago it was Jilly Cooper and these days it’s Catherine Alliott.
Congratulations to Maddy, who has won the fabulous Chris Haughton print.
The publishers have been kind enough to offer this fantastic Oh No, George! print. It’s a limited edition and something that would look great on any wall – not just a child’s bedroom or playroom.
Today I have a guest post from Joanne Mallon, who’s book, Toddlers: An instruction manual has recently been published by Nell James Publishers (also available on Kindle). Joanne is a freelance parenting journalist, a life and career coach and a parent of two. The book offers parenting tips from parents …
I was reading The Tickety Tale Teller to LaLa last night and it always gives me a warm glowing feeling, because at its centre are reading and books and being read to and how wonderful these all are. Then I wondered what other children’s books there are about reading and …
I’m reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe to RoRo at the moment. Contrary to our normal rules (for most books that have been made into films, we insist on reading the book first – yes, we’re meanies, but it’s so much better that way, isn’t it?), she has …
My Phonics Kit is a pack from Oxford University Press for parents to help their children with phonics and which ties into the new Year 1 Phonics Test (see last week’s Sunday Reading post for my concerns about the test). My Phonics Kit contains three workbooks (Kipper’s Phonics Workbook, Chip’s Phonics …
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