DVD review: The Polar Express (Warner Bros.)
DVD: The Polar Express
Publisher/manufacturer: Warner Bros.
RRP: £13.99
Publisher’s Blurb
It’s Christmas Eve, and you’re about to roller-coaster up and down mountains, slip-slide over ice fields, tetter across mile-high bridges and be served hot chocolate by singing waiter more astonishing than any you can ever imagine. You’re on The Polar Express!
Tom Hanks stars in and Robert Zemeckis directs this instant holiday classive filmed in dazzling performance-capture animation that makes every home magical.
What we thought
This is a lovely Christmas film. I found the animation style (very realistic, ‘performance capture’) a little jarring at first but, within about ten minutes, I forgot about this and enjoyed the film. It’s a perfect film to sit down to as a family at the start of December (or whenever you start getting Christmassy). And it’s an enjoyable film to watch through the year, too. It’s a good film to reaffirm a belief in Santa Claus, too, if you have a child who has started to doubt!
Would we recommend it?
Thoroughly recommend it, and I’d probably be happy to pay the £13.99 RRP for it, though Play.com has it available for £5.64 at the moment. It’s also available in 3D Blu-ray if you have a player that can play that, which Amazon currently has available for £14.00.
Disclosure: We were sent a free copy of this DVD by Warner Bros., but the opinions are our own.
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