A post all about washing
I’m really looking forward to the autumn. I love autumn anyway. It’s my favourite month, and not just because my birthday’s in October. I love the colours of autumns – the reds and golds and browns. I love the crisp, dry coolness that tends to come with autumn. I love the smell of bonfires and wrapping up in cosy jumpers. I love Halloween. I even kind of love Bonfire Night, though sadly it’s taken on a whole new dimensions since becoming a dog owner and now the main focus is making sure he’s not too scared.
This year, though, I’m looking forward to it even more. Because I will be able to turn on the heating and hang the washing on the radiators to dry. I was expecting the summer to be all about hanging the washing out on the line – and letting the girls have the run of the garden:
This picture was taken in May, though, and I managed about five days in total of hanging washing out on the line. Many of those involved me squelching through a waterlogged lawn to do so. The girls didn’t get the run of the garden. They had to pootle about in the lower bit where there is concrete and stones. Otherwise we would have had no lawn left.
Instead, of that lovely image of washing on the line, we have spent most of the summer having the dining room turned into a laundry. We have so many clothes that can’t be tumble dried that there’s always a good chunk with every wash. And they take two days to dry!
So, I say, roll on autumn. Roll on cold weather. I give up on the washing line. And I want the smell of clothes drying on the radiators. And to have them take a few hours to dry, instead of a few days.
(And, while I’m at it, I’ll just make a little promise to always do at least one wash a day, if not two, and never think ‘Oh, look, I’ve almost caught up with the washing, how fantastic,’ and then forget to do it for three days until it’s all built up again. Oh, yes, and I will put the washing away as soon as it’s dry and folded. I won’t let the baskets of washing pile up and up and up until they become a glowering tower of guilt. No. This autumn, thanks to cold weather and radiators, I will keep up with the washing.)
I had a lovely Facebook conversation recently about washing foibles. I have to turn all washing the right way out and hang it in certain ways. Some people hang theirs in order of colour or size. What about you? Tell me all about washing and your personal laundry peeves!
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