Win a hamper of Innocent goodies
The competition is now closed and the winner is Comment Number 11, Jen from The Madhouse! Congratulations, Jen – hope you and the family enjoy the hamper.
It’s back to school next week. The summer has gone remarkably quickly, though I think Rosemary probably could have done with going back a week ago. She’s very snappy and feeling quite horrible about and toward the world and I think the routine, stimulation and social interaction will help her get back to her more pleasant self.
Rosemary has school meals, so we don’t have to worry about packed lunches at the moment – except for the odd day trip. From January, though, Eleanor will be going to nursery school two days a week and will be needing a packed lunch (and Rosemary’s been promised she can have one on the days Eleanor does, then, too). Finding healthy food and drinks to put in a packed lunch that still appeal to the children is quite a challenge (one of the reasons why Rosemary has school meals, rather than packed lunch, in fact). Anyway, Innocent recently brought out some lunch-box size cartons of juice, called juicy drinks – watered down just like we do ourselves (to reduce the impact of the sugar in the juice on the teeth). The girls both love them – they especially love sticking the straw in themselves! Interestingly, Rosemary didn’t like the apple juice when it was in a glass, but she loved it in the carton.
Innocent are kindly offering a hamper of juice and other goodies – including some of their fabulous fridge magnets (we love the fridge magnets, here) to one of you. And they’ll deliver it to your door using one of their chilled couriers. We love getting deliveries from chilled couriers – seems so ahem cool.
If you’d like to win a hamper, then just leave a comment below telling us what you like to put in your kids’ packed lunches (or what you used to enjoy in your packed lunches when you were a kid).
UK entries only. Competition closes Monday 5 September. The winner will be contacted using the email address they leave with their comment, so make sure it’s a valid one. If you want to be notified by tweet as well/instead, leave your Twitter id. No addresses will be kept or used for marketing purposes.
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