A bunch of random stuff
Here are some things I’ve noticed, thought about, wondered at this week and haven’t had time, inclination, ability to blog about:
- My new phone (HTC HD7) doesn’t fit inside my bra. This means I don’t use it as much because I can’t carry it everywhere with me. It’s still lovely, though.
- Eleanor is very helpful. She opens the bin door for me so I can throw my teabag out in the morning. She opens the detergent draw in the washing machine for me to put the detergent, stain remover and softener in (opens and closes it once for each time). If you tell her to put something down, she’s most likely to put it back where she found it (or, even better, where it goes).
- Rosemary doesn’t need too much pushing. This morning, while I was having my shower, she went and sat in the office and wrote out a bunch of numbers and then the alphabet (it was only a 15-letter alphabet, though), with no prompting whatsoever.
- It’s very tiring having pretty much no time off at all.
- I love CS4. But I want, want, want CS5.
- Chris cooks very yummy food, but usually thinks it’s going to be horrible.
- Chris is getting a new computer. I am not at all jealous. No. Not at all.
- I am stupidly excited about going to see Tangled on Sunday. Not quite as excited as I was about The Princess and the Frog.
- Ikea really should sell more of their stuff online. I’d probably double their annual turnover all on my own if they did.
- How I Met Your Mother is really quite funny and Alexis Denisof sounds weird with an American accent.
OK. That’s it, I’m done. Sorry for the bizarre thought dump!
Planning post for Operation Reverse Pandora – The Living Room due some time over the weekend, so you can find out how I’m going to solve the storage issues. Are you not on tenterhooks already?
Any random thoughts you’d like to share?
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