Board game review: Junior Scrabble (Mattel Games)
Game: Junior Scrabble
Publisher/manufacturer: Mattel Games
RRP: £21.99
Recommended age: 8 years up
Publisher’s Blurb
Junior Scrabble lives up to its claim of being an “ideal introduction for children to the world’s favourite game”. Choose one of two levels to suit the age group of the players: young children can start with “Words and Pictures”, a game specially created to help with word formation and recognition. “Rainbow Scrabble” is more challenging and is intended for children aged seven and older, having been specially formulated to introduce players to the adult version of Scrabble, though with a far simpler scoring system
What we thought
Excellent! There are two sides to the board, one with specific words, and one closer to the original. LaLa (3) loved finding letters on the board to cover with the corresponding letter that she’d picked from the bag, and she even worked out a few where the letter wasn’t written on the board. I think she (and other younger children) would enjoy it if the words were all written in. RoRo (6) enjoyed this side, too, and didn’t feel ready for the other side, but I’m sure that will come soon. I’m pleased that I’m going to be able to get the girls into Scrabble early, as no-one else will play it with me (I’m a little too competitive and make too much use of teeny, but point-lucrative words).
Would we recommend it?
I would recommend it, and I’d certainly be happy to pay the £21.99 RRP. Argos have it for £19.95 at the moment.
Disclosure: We were sent a free copy of this game by the publishers, but the opinions are our own.

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