Making colouring sheets: Mermaid printables
If you’re a Facebook friend or follow my illustration blog, you’ll probably know that I’m just a little bit obsessed with mermaids at the moment – drawing them, painting them, collating images of them. I was especially pleased, yesterday, to see a carved wooden mermaid at the Nature Day at Stratford Park.
Living in the same house as me, the girls couldn’t really escape this obsession and last night I was drawing a mermaid while the girls played after dinner and then LaLa asked me to draw her one to colour in. So I did.
And then RoRo asked for one, too, so I drew one for her.
And, then it crossed my mind that maybe other people’s children might like some to colour in, too, so I’ve made some mermaid printables and popped them up on my illustration blog. Feel free to print them out for your children, if you like. I may add more printables over there, now and then, as I find you can never have too many printables (LaLa asks me to ‘print something out’ for her a few times a day!).

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