Do you send Mother’s Day cards?
Disclosure: This post contains paid links.
We’ve never really done Mother’s Day in my family. And I’m pretty sure my mum is happy about this fact (Jenny? Now’s the time to own up!). I’m not entirely sure why, though think it probably has something to do with the commercialisation, though it may also have to do with my mum’s parents not being into it and her following through on that tradition.
Chris usually sends a card and often flowers to his mum and I think (haven’t actually had an in-depth conversation about it) she’d be upset if he didn’t. My dad always sent his mum a Mother’s Day card and phoned her.
For me, I don’t want any bought cards, and I think I’d actually be upset if I got one. I love getting home-made cards, especially ones that the girls have done themselves, rather than ones that have been created in nursery school with bits and pieces picked out by the staff. I might be OK with personalised cards, if a decent amount of thought had gone into them. (Hmm, and now I think I’m sounding like Amy Chua in the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mum!) The most important thing for me, though, is a lie-in with tea and breakfast and some ‘me time’, and then some big cuddles with my girls.
What about you? Do you like getting Mother’s Day cards? Do you expect big bunches of flowers and a fancy lunch? Is Mother’s Day for having time of being a mother, or for spending extra quality time with your children? Or a bit of both? Do you need a day to recognise your status as a mother or is it recognised and celebrated every day?
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