When should we stop breastfeeding?
I’ve been thinking about stopping breastfeeding again recently, and a post from another extended breastfeeder has prompted me to consider it a bit more.
I’m a very strong believer in stopping breastfeeding when both (or either) the mother and the baby are ready, rather than following a guideline put down by a government (or even a World Health Organisation).
Eleanor just turned two, and will be starting nursery school in a couple of weeks. She has a feed (which she calls ‘dot dot’ for some inexplicable reason) in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’ve been away for a couple of nights and this hasn’t caused any problems – for her or me – so her breastfeeding isn’t in any way limiting. It doesn’t usually bother me and it comforts her. More importantly, it provides her with lots of very good nutrients and boosts her immunity. She eats very well (thanks to a relaxed attitude on our part and baby-led weaning), so it’s not stopping her from discovering solid food.
Rosemary, her older sister, stopped breastfeeding just about when she started nursery school (at 2 years 3 months). I suppose I have been wondering how long Eleanor is going to keep going, and whether I’ll be able to stick to my desire to keep going as long as she wants to, or whether I’m going to feel the need to curtail it earlier.
I’m certain it would be a pretty easy job to wean her, now. But why do I feel it necessary? Am I concerned at what the staff at nursery school will think? Am I worried that she’ll keep going and still be breastfeeding when she starts school?
Should that be a worry? If it is OK to keep breastfeeding until both mum and child are ready to stop, why should this not continue into school years? Is it purely down to the attitude of others? There’s much potential for teasing from other children, of course. And unenlightened staff might even consider it inappropriate or even abuse.
I expect Eleanor will stop in the next month or two, like her sister did, so I hopefully won’t have to put my principles to the test. I have a feeling I’d be pushing to stop a long time before primary school!
Article first published as When should we stop breastfeeding? on Technorati.

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