The Gallery: Back to school
I wrote a bit about Rosemary starting school a couple of days ago. It’s now her third morning there and she’s loving it so far.
The teachers provide a summary of what they’ll be doing each week on a Monday, which we think is a great idea. One thing Rosemary tended towards at nursery school and playgroup was responding with ‘Nothing!’ to the query ‘What did you do today?’ But, knowing the topics they’re going to be covering or things they’re going to be doing, means you can offer a prompt to help her.
Yesterday, Chris asked her if she’d done any counting (because that was one of the things they’re working on this week) and she proceeded to tell all about how she was counting while playing hopscotch. Hopefully, the summary will provide enough of a jump-start to help her tell us all about her days. Of course, I’m sure there will still be times when she doesn’t want to talk about it at all, but hopefully not too many.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the new camera on me, so this is taken with the phone (and you can really tell!).
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