Morning girls
I love mornings. I do moan a bit if I haven’t had quite enough sleep but, for the most part, I am definitely a morning girl. As is Rosemary. Quite often we sit and chat for a bit in her room, talking about what she did yesterday or what she dreamed about. Then we go downstairs and let the dog out.
Sometimes we hang out in the garden for a bit and look at the plants, and often rescue them from the overnight invasion of slugs. Quite often we bake cakes or cookies (Sunday mornings oatmeal and raisin cookies were gorgeous and included lots that Rosemary could do). Sometimes we play or read books. Sometimes we draw or colour.
But sometimes, like this morning, we just sit together and chatter about all sorts of things. We talked about my cup of tea and how hot it was and how I really like to have tea in the morning. We talked about how Rosemary was going to practise tidying happily today, with Granny and at nursery school. (Yesterday, she cried at nursery school, because she didn’t want to tidy up and on Friday, she was upset after playgroup, because she didn’t get a sticker for tidying up. But yesterday afternoon she had a fantastic time tidying and hoovering and bouncing on sofa cushions with Chris, so she now knows it can be fun.) We talked about snails and slugs, about what I would be doing today, what she would be doing today and what Chris would be doing today.
And she gave me lots of kisses and cuddles and told me that she loved me, which is always lovely.
Anyway, I felt lots of soppy rushes of love and happiness, this morning, and wanted to share it, as opposed to the more frequent moaning or mulling over some topic. Are you a morning person or a night-owl? Do you have times with your children that you especially enjoy?
[Written on train this morning; posted at home as couldn’t find any wi-fi]
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