Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb: Blog tour: Dramatisation
Lunchtime by Rebecca Cobb, which we reviewed a while ago, is coming out in paperback. To celebrate this launch we’re taking part in a blog tour.
We decided to make a video dramatisation of the story. We printed some pictures from the book and cut them out – a table mat (like the tablecloth in the book), the lunch and dinner, and the Crocodile, Bear and Wolf (which we stuck onto straws to make them into puppets). We had lots of fun doing this and ended up with four different versions. We couldn’t really choose one overall, so we’re showing you them all. The girls have taken turns being the little girl in the story and we have two versions that follow the text of the story (more or less) and then two versions that are free interpretative dramatisations (otherwise known as ‘making it up’). As always, the videos aren’t brilliant quality and have lots of wobble and rubbish sound, but hopefully you’ll enjoy them anyway! If you look at our You Tube channel, we have quite a lot of picture book videos of one kind of another – reading the story, acting the story out or just talking about what we like about the story.
Lunchtime dramatisation: Version 1: LaLa as little girl; RoRo as animals
Lunchtime dramatisation: Version 2: RoRo as little girl; LaLa as animals
Lunchtime dramatisation: Version 3: Improvised dramatisation: LaLa as little girl; RoRo as mum
Lunchtime dramatisation: Version 4: Improvised dramatisation: RoRo as little girl; LaLa as mum
We love this book and would thoroughly recommend it!
Please visit the other blogs in the blog tour for the rest of the week:
Tuesday 5 February: Slummy Single Mummy
Wednesday 6 February: Rhoda Reviews
Thursday 7 February: Really Missing Sleep
Friday 8 February: Monsters Fun House
Saturday 9 February: Jennifer’s Little World
Disclaimer: We have received a copy of the hardback and the paperback of this book from the publisher, but we only present our honest opinions about books – and join in with fun events like blog tours, if we love the book. We hope you love this and other picture books as much as we do.

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