Review: Zumba Fitness DVD Exercise Kit
I was sent this a couple of months ago now and used it for probably around six weeks before taking a yet-to-be-curtailed break for Christmas (and ‘stuff’!). I loved it and I know that once I’ve done a couple of sessions I will be fully back into the Zumba rhythm, with all the enthusiasm I had at the end of last year. … … I just have to take that first step.
Contents of the Zumba Fitness DVD Exercise Kit
The kit comprises two toning sticks, four DVDs and a workout guide. The workouts on the DVDs are Basics, Express, Sculpt and Tone, Cardio Party, Flat Abs and Zumba Live.
The Basics workout is 60 minutes long and takes you through the steps and moves. As a very unco-ordinated person, I spent three hours replaying each bit trying to get the steps right, before I realised that an approximation would be OK and I’d probably improve over time. Now I can do most of the steps pretty well, but there are a couple that I just can’t do fully – mostly these are Salsa steps and I’ve always found Salsa steps hard. However, I do them well enough to get benefit from it, so that’s fine by me. So, I would say don’t worry about trying to get your steps perfect before you move on from the Basics workout – just do it once or twice and then jump in.
The Express workout is 20 minutes long and is ideal for doing daily (not completely daily, of course, as it’s important to take a couple of days off for recovery in any exercise programme). You can fit it in without too much hassle – in the evening after the children have gone to bed, in the morning, while they’re eating breakfast… – but it’s long enough to make a difference to your fitness.
The Cardio Party workout is hard work, but very exhilarating. You can definitely feel that it’s working and I would make sure you did a week or two of just the Express workout before jumping into this if your fitness level is pretty low to start with.
The Sculpt and Tone workout uses the toning sticks and if you’re anything like me your arms will ache at the end.
I haven’t tried the Flat Abs or Zumba Live, but I’m sure they’re as effective as the rest.
My ideal programme would be to do three Express, 1 Cardio Party and 1 Sculpt and Tone each week, with two days off for recovery. Usually, though, I’ve tended to end up doing two Express workouts and 1 Cardio Party or Sculpt and Tone.
How I found the Zumba Fitness DVD Exercise Kit
This is by far the most fun exercise DVD I’ve ever tried. Every other one, I’ve done two or three times and then given up. With this one, when I finish a workout, I’m already looking forward to doing another one the next day. I tend to still be dancing a bit in the shower afterwards. I remember a lot of the steps and sometimes put on some Merengue and do some steps while cooking or dancing with the girls. The music is great, the steps are fun and, while the presenters can sometimes come across a little irritating, they’re actually very motivational and positive.
As I’m not a very co-ordinated person and have a very changeable schedule, I really appreciate the ability to do this at home in my own time, rather than in a class. I am very self-conscious and really hate exercising with anyone – even Chris or my sister! I’d also recommend it to get to grips with the steps first if you’re just a bit unco-ordinated, or to do extra sessions at home on top of your weekly Zumba class.
As with all exercise DVDs (or routines or programmes), though, you have to keep it up for it to have an effect. While I kept it up for longer than any other exercise DVD in the past, I did stop when it wasn’t really necessary. My schedule had been to do my workouts while Chris took the girls to school three days a week, so it fell by the wayside over Christmas. However, there really was no reason not to just change the schedule around – do it in the evening after the girls were in bed, for example, or do it when they were around and let them join in or watch.
You can buy the kit on Amazon for (at the time of writing) £29.99 or from the Zumba people themselves for £59.98 at
Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of the DVD Exercise Kit to review and keep, but the content of the review is my own and based on using the kit.

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